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Maximum Trump, unbound, in full

For years, skeptics and hopeful opponents of Donald Trump have speculated about the limits of his influence. Back in the 2015–2016 Republican primaries, a common refrain among his detractors was that we had reached “peak Trump.” The assumption was that his meteoric rise was unsustainable—that, at some point, he would overextend, the novelty would wear off, and his political and cultural dominance would begin to wane.

That assumption, in hindsight, was spectacularly wrong. If we are indeed at “peak Trump” now, it is not because he is fading but because his influence has reached its absolute maximum. This is maximal Trump. Trump unbound. Trump in full.

Trump’s Grip on Politics

Trump’s political dominance is unparalleled. His speeches—long, bombastic, theatrical—are no longer just campaign events or policy announcements; they are cultural moments. His most recent address to Congress was the perfect encapsulation of his style: grandstanding, showmanship, and sheer force of personality. Even those who oppose him cannot deny his ability to command the spotlight.

His hold over the Republican Party is near absolute. GOP lawmakers who dare to criticize him do so timidly, almost apologetically, before quickly changing the subject. His influence on policy is so strong that he can put forward nominees who, under any other administration, would be deemed unconfirmable—yet they sail through with little resistance.

Even beyond Congress, his impact on global affairs is undeniable. The Ukraine peace deal? Trump. The ongoing tariff negotiations? Trump. His unpredictability on the world stage has world leaders holding their breath, wondering what he will do next.

The Media’s Obsession

Trump’s insight from the very beginning has been that, in the modern political landscape, attention is power. And in that battle, he has won in a rout. He dominates not just American news cycles but global media as well. His presence is so overwhelming that even the biggest non-Trump stories—like Elon Musk’s Twitter saga—seem like mere spin-offs in the larger Trump show.

At this point, he is so ubiquitous that the only way the media could cover him more extensively would be to install 24/7 cameras in the White House. (If that happens, let’s remember where the idea came from.)

Trump has always viewed his presidency as a show, and this season, the production values are at their highest. His legal battles alone could fill multiple seasons of a high-stakes political drama. His foreign policy maneuvers feel like the kind of plot twists you’d expect from a TV series with an unlimited budget.

The Trump Effect on Culture

Trump has reshaped more than just politics—he has reshaped American culture itself. Social media policies, major editorial shifts in legacy news outlets, and the broader cultural “vibe shift” all seem to orbit around him. From Meta’s speech-moderation changes to editorial shifts at The Washington Post, his impact is undeniable.

And while his influence might be unparalleled, so too is the backlash against him. Those who oppose him do so with equal fervor, creating a political landscape that revolves entirely around one man. Love him or hate him, Trump is the axis around which everything turns.

What Comes After Peak Trump?

If hubris comes before a fall, then there is certainly no shortage of it here. But whether his future holds victory or defeat, one thing is certain: it will be a story about Trump, authored by Trump, starring Trump.

We are living in the era of peak Trump, and whether it lasts or eventually collapses under its own weight, history will remember this as the moment when Trump’s presence in our politics, our media, and our culture reached its full, maximal form.