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City of Amarillo hosting meetings to share Safer Streets and Roads plan

In an effort to enhance safety for all travelers in Amarillo, regardless of their mode of transportation, the City of Amarillo (COA) is wrapping up the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) planning process with two public open houses this Thursday. Residents will have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on 16 proposed projects, including the Safer Speeds for Schools Project, the first initiative to secure grant funding from the federal SS4A program.

The open houses will take place at the following locations and times:

Amarillo Downtown Library (413 S.E. Fourth): 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Southwest Branch Library (6801 S.W. 45th): 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

“The open houses will be an opportunity for the public to review and provide vital feedback for projects that will enhance public safety,” said Emily Koller, COA Director of Planning.

Safer Speeds for Schools Project Secures Federal Funding

The Safer Speeds for Schools Project has been awarded $523,440 in federal funding from the FY2024 SS4A grant program, with an additional $130,860 in matching funds provided by the city through its Community Improvement Plan. This brings the total funding for the project to $654,300. The U.S. Department of Transportation announced the award in November.

Designed as a demonstration project, the initiative will test temporary safety measures around five schools: four elementary schools (Hamlet, San Jacinto, Margaret Wills, and Olsen Park) and one middle school (Crockett). These temporary installations aim to reduce vehicle speeds, enhance pedestrian visibility, and make crossings safer and shorter. Planned improvements include speed cushions, brighter crosswalks, and Tuff Curb delineator systems.

Public Involvement Shapes the Plan

The planning process, which began in February, has been data-driven and community-focused. The city analyzed crash data and incorporated input from over 6,100 residents. Public review of the proposed projects during the open houses marks the final step before the plan’s expected adoption by the city council this spring.

The SS4A Plan is a framework to enhance safety for everyone moving around Amarillo—whether on foot, by bike, using a wheelchair, riding public transit, or driving. Implementation will proceed as funding becomes available.

For more details on the federal SS4A program, visit To learn more about Amarillo’s Safe Streets for All Plan, go to