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Water main project begins in North Heights

The first phase of a water infrastructure project for the North Heights neighborhood is scheduled to begin October 1.

City of Amarillo (COA) Water Utilities Department Crews will be replacing a two-inch water main impacting the odd-numbered homes between 1601 N.W. 17th Ave. through 1945 N.W. 17th Ave. and from 1601 N.W. 18th Ave. through 1945 N.W. 18th Ave.

The installation of a new water service main will require the temporary suspension of water service for certain areas. Work schedules will be adjusted to minimize outages as much as possible. Residents will be notified prior to any suspension of water service and informed of the estimated duration.

Traffic in alleyways and streets in the project area may also be impacted.

This project is in addition to $1 million approved by city council for future water infrastructure improvement projects in the North Heights neighborhood. Future projects will be coordinated by the COA Water Utilities Department and the COA Capital Project & Development Engineering Department.