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Canyon City Commission to meet Tuesday

The Canyon City Commission will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 17 to discuss the following:

Consider and take appropriate action on the following: Proclamation: “Hunger Action Month”; update from West Texas A&M University President Dr. Walter Wendler; Phantom Creek and Spring Canyon contingency agreement; Phantom Creek utility extension agreement, annexation services agreement, subdivision waiver request and groundwater rights agreements; Spring Canyon supplemental development agreement, utility extension agreement, participation agreement for Spring Canyon Unit 4 and the Spring Canyon PKWY Bridge and subdivision waiver request, conveyance agreement and Xcel utility easement; Mayra Park Unit 1 participation agreement; resolution calling for a public hearing Oct. 15 to hear testimony regarding the setting of Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Land Use Assumptions, and Eligible Capital Improvement Plans for Water, Wastewater, and Roadway Systems in the City of Canyon; city resolution approving Project Funding Agreement between the Bald and The Bold, LLC DBA Big Tex Burritos and Canyon Economic Development Corporation relating to direct financial assistance for new business in Canyon; bids received for I-27 Water Main Relocation Project; disposal agreement and the bulky waste collection and disposal agreement between Canyon and Republic Services; grant award for HMGP Project – Pump Station and Water Well Generators; Tourism Services Agreement between the city and Canyon Chamber of Commerce; resolution denying Southwestern Public Service Company’s proposed surcharge in connection with final rates approved related to its statement of intent submitted in February 2023; authorizing the city’s continued participation with other cities in the alliance of Xcel Municipalities (“AXM”) and participation in related rate proceedings; executive session - personnel matters (evaluations for City Attorney, Municipal Court Judge, and City Manager); action in public session to follow discussion.

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