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Officer involved shooting in Lubbock leaves one person dead

The Lubbock Police Department on Monday released new information after a domestic disturbance ended with a deadly officer-involved shooting on Sunday evening. The person who was killed was identified as Jacob Alonzo, 38.

LPD previously said officers were called to the 3000 block of Valencia Avenue at 8:27 p.m. for a domestic disturbance. No officers were injured.

Police said officers were called for a man who was intoxicated and swinging a bat, damaging property in a home. The person who called police was hiding in a bathroom with three children.

Two officers arrived at the home, police said. LPD said Alonzo was outside and struck an occupied vehicle with a pickaxe. The officer repeatedly asked Alonzo to stop and the officer started to back away. Alonzo would not drop the axe despite officer commands, and the officer fired his gun. Even after being shot, Alonzo kept charging and police and eventually threw the pickaxe at the officer.

EMS was called at 8:36 p.m. and officers on scene attempted life-saving measures until they arrived, however Alonzo was pronounced dead. LPD’s forensic investigation unit and the office of professional standards responded to the scene.

The officer who was involved has been with LPD since February of 2023, and is on administrative leave.